everyone♡ how are you doing?
I’m Yoona on the 25th birthday^^ it’s YoongTanJeol☆
Although I’m now in Japan, via the internet, I can see ppl from not only South Korean but also oversea having congratulated my birthday.
they’re doing gud things I can’t do. they also give me the nice presents^^
I’m so thankful and happy because it seems that I can receive bigger and bigger congratulation as each year passes by♡.
with this letter, I would like to say “thank you” for those who support me with kinds of gift whenever I’m on activities, promote me with variety of idea, and always stay near me cheering enthusiastically^^.
I’ll become more pretty and wonderful so that I can repay u guys. Keep waiting~^^
I’m at japan with other members and we’ll stay up all night to celebrate. it’s been while since we were together so we plan to play and chitchat until the sun risesㅋ
don’t worry as I’m eating and doing so well^^
those who congratulated my birthday~thanks so much♡
the weather is getting hotter and hotter so way to go!!
I hope for a day when we can meet comes soon^^
Thank you~S♡NE
Credits : Official Girls' Generation Site \\ kokking9 \\ Soshi95
Please take out with Full Credits Including - Soshi95 Blogger